Thursday, December 11, 2014

63 Elements of the Periodic Table

The elements  are Hydrogen,Helium,Lithium,Breyllium,Boron,Carbon,Nitrogen,

Oxygen,Fluorine,Neon,Sodium,Magnesium,Aluminum,Silicon, Phosphorus,

Sulfur,Chlorine,Argon,Potassium, Calcium, Scandium, Titanium, Vanadium, Chlorium, Maganese,Iron, Cobalt, Nickel, Copper, Zinc, Gallium, Germanium, Arsenic,Selenium,Bromine,Krypton,Rubidium,Strontium,Yttrium,Zirconium,






Saturday, July 5, 2014

What I Did On the 4th of July

Yesterday was 4th of July! I celebrated it with my family and my sister's friend's family. We all ate dinner before the fireworks. For dinner, we ate pizza with soda. In honor of the holiday, we all got to do fireworks! I got sparklers and then I lit them using fire. They made beautiful sparks. I also threw pop it's on the ground. A pop it is a small firework that pops when you throw it on the ground. My dad lit some small fireworks that are called flashing fountains. Soon, the fireworks were finished. But the fun was not over! We went inside my house and watched some TV. We later went to read comics. Lastly, we went to sleep. Independence day was very fun!

5 Amazing Facts About Me

1. I could stare at light for several hours.
2. I learned how to ride a bike on my own.
3. I have two medals and two trophies.
4. I am learning to play guitar.
5. I have read 100 books in a month.

Thursday, July 3, 2014


The clouds are white,
I wish I could touch the stars, as bright as light.
Uranus is hot, Pluto is cold; My sister is young, my grandpa is old.
My mom is mad and so is my dad because we don't listen to what they say,
Whether it is June or it is May.
Flowers are dandy and so is candy,
But I think chocolate is most handy.
Everything I know and see,
Is always interesting, at least to me!

My Life Until Now

On June 19, 2006 I was born. The hospital I was in, was in Fremont, CA .The hospital's name was Washington Hospital. Since my grandparents wanted to see me, they came on June 10. Soon in 2007, I became 1. I continued up my years until I was 5. I went to preschool! It was very fun, but I had to move on after that. I was in kindergarten. The teacher was very nice, but I had to move to a different city named Gilroy. Later I went to first grade; nothing exciting. But then came second grade. I passed the GATE test there,so I am now going to go to another school. That's it for now.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Father's Day

Today is Father's day. Father's day is an important holiday in the U.S.A.  Do you know that there are over 70 million fathers in the world. Another fact is that the first celebration of Father's day was in West Virginia. Now I,m going to tell you what I did for fathers day.I made a card, I decorated it with markers that smell good. I also put glitter on it to make it look like rain falling from the sky. My sister and  I brought breakfast for my Dad, in bed. There were tea and cookies as well. I also made glasses which my Dad could wear. I hope my Dad will like my Father's day report.